Be EnergyWise and find more ways to save through even more energy saving programs available to residential electric customers, and eligible small business owners.
Virtual Home Energy Check-up
Participation is FREE for this virtual energy efficiency consultation. In about an hour's time, you’ll discover how to improve the energy efficiency of your home through the convenience of FaceTime, Microsoft Teams and/or telephone. Includes a customized report specific to your home and information on how to access our online tools and resources.
HVAC Rebates
Rebates up to $500 for the purchase and installation of ENERGY STAR® qualified central air conditioners and heat pumps in existing homes. Rebates vary according to the type and efficiency level of the equipment installed. Up to $300 in rebates is also available for ductwork improvements (sealing, insulation and replacement).
Appliance Recycling
Get $50 cash back and FREE pickup when you recycle your old, secondary refrigerator or freezer. Rebates are available for full-size units between 10-30 cubic feet in working order. You can also save up to $105 annually on your electric bill. A maximum of two rebates (total value of $100) is available per customer account, per year. There’s no catch and it’s hassle-free. A partner with EPA’s Responsible Appliance Disposal Program.
Small Business Energy Solutions
Deep discounts available for energy efficient LED lighting and refrigeration upgrades. Includes a FREE on-site energy analysis and financial incentives up to 80% of project costs (up to $6,000). Available to small business and nonprofit customers with five or fewer Dominion Energy electric accounts and an annual energy use of 350,000 kWh or less.