With the days getting shorter, you may find yourself using your lights more often, turning them on earlier and off later, cutting into your potential to reduce your energy use. If you want to maximize these potential savings, lighting is a great place to start—specifically LED lights.Ditch Out-Dated BulbsLighting makes up about a fifth of the average home’s energy costs—and if
In a nutshell, an advanced power strip (APS) is a simple, low-cost way to manage your electronics—and save energy and money.
Let’s dig into how an APS does this—and why you’ll want to add one to your Wish List right now.
How does an APS save energy?
Did you know that the electronic devices in your home or workplace are still using small amounts of electricity ev
Learn About LEDs
May 26th 2020
Improving the efficiency of your lighting is an easy way to save on energy costs. This Lighting Choices Guide will help you determine the right LED bulbs to use for each fixture at your home or business.
Download a free lighting guideEnergy Use
The table below can help you understand how ENERGY STAR ® certified LEDs compare to incandescent bulbs. LEDs provide the same br
Smart Thermostats—The Smart Choice
May 17th 2020
If yours is anything like the average American home, a massive 48 percent of what you spend on energy each year goes on heating and cooling. For most households, keeping the temperature comfortable is the single largest energy expense.
So being smart about how you control your temperature settings can save you a hefty chunk of energy––and money.
Of course, you